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Run-REDUCE is a Graphical User Interface (see the screen shot below) for running the REDUCE Computer Algebra System. It is implemented in JavaFX and should provide a consistent user experience across all implementations of REDUCE and all platforms (that support JavaFX). Self-contained installers are available on the releases page for Windows and Gnu/Linux. Alternatively, and for other platforms, a Java JAR file is available.

REDUCE itself is an open source project available from SourceForge, which you need to install separately. Run-REDUCE is designed to run a standard installation of REDUCE; it does not include REDUCE.

Full information about how to install and run Run-REDUCE is available in the Install and Run Guide. For information about how to use Run-REDUCE please see the User Guide (which is also included in Run-REDUCE and easily accessible via the Help menu). Known issues are listed at the end of the Install and Run Guide.

(The screen shot below relates to an earlier release and is now a little out of date!)

Run-REDUCE screen shot

Run-REDUCE is still under development but here are the key features that it currently provides:

Francis Wright, October 2023